Excluding Generated Mocks From Coverage
Some projects make rather heavy use of gomock for testing, and I’ve noticed the command that I had been using to run all tests and generate coverage included the mocks in coverage and brought the numbers down.
We can’t allow numbers to go down! Here’s an altered Makefile snippet to generate test coverage.
$(eval COV_PKGS=$(shell go list ./... | grep -v mock_ | tr '\n' ','))
go test ./... -race -cover -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=build/cover.out -coverpkg $(COV_PKGS)
go tool cover -func build/cover.out | grep total
All of the mocks for this project are under sub packages with the pattern mock_${PKG_HERE}
. Some important interface in package thingy will have a mock in the package path/to/thingy_pkg/mock_thingy_pkg/thingy.go
Explanation of the commands:
eval a variable
- execute
go list ./...
- Filter all packages that contain
withgrep -v
- Replace the newline in the output with a
- execute
Tell go to only calculate coverage on the packages in